


Starting with decision makers, we will:

  • Increase diversity in our Executive Committee to ensure representation and different points-of-view start at the top by the end of Q4.
  • Create an inclusive DE&I council that will help us confront our biases and encourage uncomfortable conversations and react to cultural moments in real time.
  • Tackle systematic change head on through internal and external specialists while also leveraging expertise of the Omnicom Open Leadership Team by 2021.


Increasing educational programming:

  • We’ll tackle topics like privilege and biases that are prevalent throughout the industry through a series of training sessions that equip us with the tools we need to be better allies and create an equitable environment.
  • Creating a Center for Excellence that focuses on professional development within the agency that promotes goal setting, training resources and career pathing.
  • Expanding our presence at conferences like ADCOLOR and 3% so that everyone has an equal opportunity to learn and grow.
  • Making materials accessible through a curated online source that provides insights and information on demand.


Using our time,and talent by:

  • Expanding Volunteer Week through various DE&I outreach programs to uplift, support and help our local communities.
  • Seeking out local pro-bono work for underrepresented businesses & organizations to help build up momentum or assist them with their marketing efforts.
  • Helping prepare students for interviewing, internships and career planning for their future in the industry particularly giving them the power to confidently to take up space and own their diversity.


Enriching recruitment through:

  • Hiring a recruiter with the experience and knowledge to seek out diverse talent and unique points-of-view in places we’ve never looked before.
  • Reaching out to colleges we don’t have established relationships with in the hope of finding people that think outside the box and bring interesting perspectives and ideas to the table.


Create an inclusivity index:

  • Institute a Creative Representation Council that will ensure that, from start to finish, every product we send out out the door is a reflection of our thinking as well as a reflection of reality.
  • Promote and leverage the Omnicom Advancement Program by tapping into our network of agencies to provide opportunities for diverse talent to gain exposure across the Omnicom family and advance their skillset.
  • Assessing our progress by holding ourselves accountable to our values through individual and agency-wide reviews.